Wednesday 4 June 2014

              Calling all Anthonians! 

This blogspot is our rallying point to cherish and appreciate the great days we shared at our alma mater. Your memories, thoughts and pictures will be an invaluable resource for a forthcoming souvenir book on "Our Anthonian Story". The Anthonian Alumni will spearhead this project under the able tutelage of prominent Anthonian lawyer,Mr S.Santhana Dass.

         Jog your memories to share your thoughts and pictures. Write about the great and no-so-great moments that you wish to immortalise. Write tributes to the great teachers who inspired ypou......Brother Damian Oliver......Mr Teoh Boon Jim..........Mr Toh Soon Guan..........Tuan Hj Azahari.......Mr Kong Thye Soon.......Cikgu Tajuddin................Mr Anthony Au.......Mr Kong Fook Keomg........Mr Sothilingam.............Mr Arumuhgam...............dont't forget the inimitable Mr Anthony Kee .........the names are legion! 
Send your posts to  me at Call me at HP 010-3905011 for a chat on what's up............  
                                       CARITAS NON FICTA

                      Louis Rozario Doss
               Anthonian (1960s)
               Currently : Head of Sixth Form 
                                   Tenby International School Ipoh.     

Father Bonamy
The French missionary priest who founded St Anthony's School,Teluk Intan in 1937. He belonged to the MEP ( Paris Foreign Mission) and was the parish priest of St,Anthony's Church,Teluk Intan. Anthonians salute the far-sightedness and vision of this missionary who brought a new brand of education to Lower Perak. 

Dewan Damian (Damian Hall) erected by the late Brother Damian Oliver (Director, 1970s) is a standing monument to Brother Damia's sterling leadership of what used to be one of Malaysia's most promising schools. 

(Pic L to R:  Rt Rev Sebastian Francis (Bishop of Penang),
Y Bhg Dato' Chong Paik Kee, Director of Social Welfare Services Perak, Fr.Michael Dass and Mr Louis Rozario Doss (former Principal, SMK St Anthony)

.The occasion was Family Day Food Fair at the CWS Home for Senior Citizens, Kampung Simee,Ipoh on 4 May 2014)   

        (Blogger contact email: or call Hp 010-3905011) 

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