Thursday 13 November 2014

Memories of Brother Damian Oliver, FSC   

by  Mr P.Manoharan

(This tribute to Brother Damian Oliver is written by Anthonian  Mr Manoharan Palaniappan  who studied at SASTI  from 1962 to 1965 (Form 2 to Form 5). Mr Mano as he is popularly known is also a former member of the Anthonian teaching staff (1970 - 1972). He has had a distinguished career in the Malaysian Education Service, having served as Guru Cemerlang (Specialist Expert Teacher) in Biology at Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh (1974 - 2002). His last post before retirement was as Principal of SMK Seri Putera,Ipoh.)

Brother Damian Oliver will always be cherished in my life. During my school days at St.Anthony's , Teluk Intan, I had the rich benefit of being his student at Biology and Chemistry. Brother Damian did everything he did with a gusto that was the delight of his classes. Even in the days when there was no video clip or overhead projector in the classroom,let alone the computer, Brother Damian brought vivacity and animation to the classroom by his sheer power of narration in the best English.  
   In 1965, I left for India for my higher studies and after graduation, I  took up appointment in a business organization named Industrial Realty Group (INRS).  Prior to this I had applied for a teaching appointment at St Michael's Institution,Ipoh.  While my application letter lay in the Director's desk at St Michael's, it so happened that Brother Damian now the Director of St Anthony's was also hunting for a Biology teacher for the Sixth Form at our alma mater. I later learned that it was Brother Damian's custom to make frequent visits to St Michael's in Ipoh in order to study the file on job applications. Thus it was that in 1970, Brother Damian spotted my name and application letter. When he saw that I  was an Anthonian, you will not believe what he did to hunt me down! Along with a clerk from St Michael's ,Brother Damian (without GPS!) personally tracked me down to my address in Buntong which was then a huge Indian and Chinese settlement. Only an indefatigable champion of St Anthony's would have been equal to such a task in those times. That was the kind of man Brother Damian was!
    I taught at St Anthony's for one and a half years  before I was admitted to the University of Malaya to do the Diploma in Education. Brother Damian was not one to block the pathway for my academic promotion. He was not interested in exploiting me to the school's advantage. He cared about me enough to let me go in search of professional upgrading. 
    Yes, I am writing to say that without Brother Damian my entire lifeline would have been different. I am a teacher to this day because of such a great Lasallian educator. It was bliss to have lived in his shadow.     

A Note on Mr Manoharan  

Mr Manoharan is a legendary name as a Biology teacher at SPM/STPM and A-Level. He continues to be a great promoter of the subject in Ipoh and beyond.

Writer Mr P.Manoharan (R) with blogger Louis Rozario Doss (L) 

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