Wednesday 16 March 2016

Memories of St Anthony’s 1946 – 1956
           Mr K.Santhirasegaran
Date of Interview: 25th January 2015
Interviewed by: Louis Rozario Doss

An Interview with Mr K.Santhirasegaran, Old Boy & Anthonian Sports Hero.

If there is anyone in Lower Perak who deserves to be acclaimed as the all-time sports maestro
of this district, it is our old boy and versatile sports coach, Mr K Santhiasegaran. Born 8th February 1939_, Mr Segaran was educated at St Anthony’s School .Teluk Intan.After his Senior Cambridge year in 1956,
he  spent  seven years  in Australia and Sri Lanka. He returned to Malaya in 1962__- and decided that teaching was the true pathway for him. His teaching career in the government service spanned 33 years and wherever he was posted he has left the imprint of his leadership style as a sports maestro who has raised humble schools to dizzying heights of championships in athletics, hockey, football,badminton and basketball. Among the schools where he served with distinction were the following:  

Temporary Teaching:
SK Sultan Abdul Aziz,Kuala Selangor (1953-54)
After his teacher training, he was posted to:
SMK Sekinchang (1965-69)
-           English teacher
-           Asst Sports Secretary
SMK Horley Methodist, Teluk Intan  (1970-94)
-           English teacher
-           Sports Secretary
-           Retired at SMK Horley Methodist, TI
SMK St Anthony, Teluk Intan  (1995- Feb 1998)
-           Posted as Contract Teacher (English) to SMK St Anthony,TI
-           Served as Mentor to Sports Secretary
Q Tell us why you finally chose the teaching profession?
I suppose it was my subconscious admiration for the zeal and charisma of our Lasallian teachers, among them Brother Michael,Brother Benignus and Mr Martin Yong. For a time I toyed with the prospect of doing medicine ( in Sri Lanka) and Agricultural Science (in Adelaide,Australia) but along the way I discovered another overpowering passion in my life: love of sports. In both Sri Lanka and Australia, I spent more time on track and field than in the medical laboratory or agricultural stations. I discovered that I was irresistibly drawn towards sports and the training of young sportsmen. I loved working with young people and ultimately decided that my vocation in life was teaching.

Q  Who helped you make the final decision to enter teacher training?
I was doing a stint of temporary teaching at Sekolah Sultan Abdul Aziz, Kuala Selangor.My headmaster, Mr Denison, was a wonderful father figure who wanted to help chart a more secure future for temporary teachers like me. It was he who encouraged young teachers like myself to undergo the Normal Teacher Training  Course conducted at various centres. I attended the weekend lectures in Klang and the holiday courses in Penang. Ultimately, I qualified as a trained teacher and was posted to SMK Sekinchang, Kuala Selangor.

Q You have had many great moments in the sports arena as Sports Secretary at various schools. Could you share some of these great moments with us?

    As a newly posted teacher to SMK Sekinchang, I was appointed Asst Sports Secretary. That year we organized the first ever sports meet for the school in its history. It was a great event in a small town. It was like a mini-Olympics. The guest of honour was the Honb’le Education Minister, Encik Mohamad Khir Johari. The school realized the vast power of sports events in making a school proud of itself and the transformative power of sports in the life of young athletes who become sports heroes.
  My years in SMK Horley Methodist, Teluk Intan, are truly memorable for the great heights achieved in basketball and volleyball where the school teams became Perak state champions on several occasions.
    I also played an actively role in coaching school athletes from Lower Perak who went on to achieve distinction at national level.   
    Most of all, sports brings young people together as a band of brothers working towards a common goal.It also creates in them a true love of the teachers who spend time with them on the field.It makes for better school spirit and discipline.  

Q  You have been a keen observer of the the local and national sports scene over the years. Would you like to tell us about the sports heroes produced by St Anthony’s over the years?
    At hockey, the four all-time greats from St Anthony’s are indisputably A.Francis, R.Shankar, Ramakrishnan and Ramuandy. A.Francis tops the list as a world-class international who is currently a hockey coach in Germany. R.Shankar was the Malaysian hockey captain (1998-1991).  
    We must also remember M.Rajamani, Malaysia’s international 400 m champion. She was a teacher at St Anthony’s (1963-64) when she was in the international limelight in the 1960s.
    During my school days in the 1950s, I remember that the Anthonian athletics relay team ( 4 x 100m) held the national championship for two years (1953-54). The members of the team were Dr Cheah Song Kang,Wong Keng Heng, Linus Pereira and Benedict Gomez. Another contemporary Anthonian relay team which also figured strongly in the 1950s  at national level consisted of Thambirajah, Dairiam and Aloysius.
    Returning to the subject of athletics, I remember A. Doraisamy who became national  800m schools champion in the 1980s. I was very closely invoved in coaching and guiding this champion.
Q  Sadly, we have few picture of these all-time greats from our school. Any suggestions on what we can do to get these pics?
   Try Mr Nara. He was a member of our Anthonian staff. He used to take great pictures. He is bound to have many vintage photographs.

Q Finally, Mr Segaran, I am going to ask you  to list 10 Anthonians (past students) who in your estimation have won top honours for our alma mater through their excellence in public service and corporate leadership.
         Not an easy task as there are so many who have a claim to distinction.  I would like to list the following without any difference in ranking:

Tan Sri Zain Azraai bin Zainal Abidin – Malaysia’s ambassador to the US (1970s) and Permanent Representative to the United Nations ;for his distinguished public service

Dr.K. Ravindran  - World-renowned  Ortthopaedic Specialist, Fatima Hospital Ipoh, a great benefactor to SMK St Anthony,Teluk Intan and ardent promoter of community service for the marginalized

Dato’ H.E. Almeida – Former Chief Police Officer,Perak for his exemplary zeal in public service

Dato’ Tan Kay Hock – Chairman of George Kent Holdings Bhd , for his outstanding corporate leadership and his generosity towards the alma mater

Dr.S.Anthonysamy – All-Asian President of the Catholic Doctors’ Guild ,noted for his unfaiing support for the Anthonian Alumni and his exemplary leadership of an NGO

Dr. P. Ramasamy – Deputy Chief Minister,Penang ; distinguished academic and public figure

Tan Sri Dato’ Ramli Ngah Talib – Former Mentri Besar, Perak and Speaker of Parliament ;distinguished public figure

Mr Aw Fook Yew – Distinguished corporate figure

Prof Subramaniam Pillay – distinguished academician and ardent social activist

Brigadier Chin Huat – distinguished military service to the country and outstanding public servant

I must emphasize that there are many others who have the eminence to be named here. I hope there will be more Anthonians who will come forward not only to share your memories but also to name TEN ANTHONIANS who have given exemplary and excellent service to our school, country and manknd as a whole.

(Note from Blogger: Anthonians are invited to post their choice of 10  Anthonians who can be regarded as edifying role models for the young Anthonians of today. You can enail me at

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