Saturday 8 June 2019

Message from
Cheng Ban Lian 
(Class of 1968)
The first batch of Sixth Form Arts, Class of 1968!
The 88th anniversary for St Anthony’s School (SAS) is indeed an auspicious occasion. Eight sounds like ‘fa’ ( or )in Cantonese or Mandarin, which has several meanings, including sprout, develop, discover, grow, prosper, launch and certainly ‘to get rich’. So, double 8 is double the meaning of everything this occasion stands, as it represents an unforgettable time we had spent in the school community.
Ours was the first sixth form Arts batch in SAS in 1967 with over twenty girls and boys.  At the same time, the first science batch started in SMK Horley Methodist next door. Without the tremendous efforts of both headmasters Rev Brother Damian Oliver (SAS) and Mr P.S. Nagaratnam (SMK Horley Methodist) to establish the classes, many of us would not have been able to afford to study sixth form elsewhere. It was also a historic moment and pioneering period when girls were accepted into the all boys’ SAS for the first time.
Although there might have been some initial trepidation for ourselves and for the rest of the school, I would like to believe that we did the school proud and the school did us proud.  We went on to have our most formative school years together with our sixth form science counterparts in SMHM.
We achieved very good results and most of us went on to university and college and forged successful careers and are leading decently meaningful lives. Can we ever forget the challenges, learnings and inspirations from Brothers Damian, Patrick, John, Finan, Fabian, etc and the pioneer sixth form teachers, Mr Toh Soon Guan, Tan Ai Kok, Asok Kumar, S. Subrayan, Yeow Yew Hui, A. Damu, Miss Lily Tan and too many to mention, who may not have taught us directly but who contributed to enriching our experiences, including the inimitable Mr Anthony Kee, school administrator.
Last year, on 14-15 April, the SAS sixth form arts and SMK Horley Methodist science pioneer classes of 1968 had a memorable  two-day 50th Anniversary Reunion back in Teluk Intan where we visited both schools as well as got to enjoy the sights and food in town. We had the good fortune of watching the SAS school marching band in practice in uniform, like a welcome parade.  We are very thankful to the reunion organising committee ably led by NP Thorairaj (Science) and committee members Teh Kwee Lian (Arts), Chong Yong Ku and Chin Mee Poon (both Science).
For many of us from out of town or overseas, it was the first time that we have met some of the reunion members  since our days in sixth form or at the university. We got to appreciate how we all have grown and prosper, just like good old Teluk Intan. The photos from our sixth form days and from the reunion speak volumes.
Although I am not able to attend the 88th SAS dinner, my family and I wish all of you a grand reunion!
Keep the flag flying!
Best wishes from
Cheng Ban Lian (Class of 1968)
Melbourne, Australia.
2 June 2019. 


Founder of St Anthony's School Teluk Intan ,Father Michel Bonamy ,Catholic Missionary of the M.E.P (Paris Foreign Mission)

1 comment:

  1. The pioneer batch of sixth formers of St. Anthony's Secondary School set an extremely high benchmark for subsequent batches to gauge themselves against when Cheng Ban Lian and Lee Siok Hua excelled in the Higher School Certificate Examination (HSC), predecessor of the current STPM, emerging as two of the top students in the whole country.
    By Chin Mee Poon (pioneer sixth former of Horley Methodist Secondary School, Teluk Intan)
